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"Vanessa is an amazing trainer for so many reasons. Not only does she have the wonderful skill of knowing just how hard to push you without pushing you too hard, she also has an amazing knowledge of how our bodies work. This combination gives her clients the tools and the information they need to be healthy and fit. Her support was critical in my rehabilitation after I had 4 surgeries in 6 months, 2 of which were major. Without her, I would not be as healthy as I am today, over 10 years later. She is a joy to work with and creates a kind of sanctuary in her studio gym that makes me feel very comfortable."
- Carol M. 

"I loved training with Vanessa because she was very encouraging and at the same time listened to any issues  you may be having at the time and could easily adapt the program to suit you. I always felt that I could work to my potential without fear of injury, and always felt better after a session, which makes you want to return for that good feeling."

                        - Anne C.



“I started working out with Vanessa after giving birth to my second child.  I had gained a lot of weight and was not comfortable going to a public gym.  I loved Vanessa’s home studio and was even able to bring my baby girl with me occasionally.  Vanessa not only helped me lose all my pregnancy weight (plus some) but she made me feel strong and calm when I was feeling overwhelmed and stressed as a new mother.  I would highly recommend her as a personal trainer and health coach.  She has such a lovely, serene and calm nature but somehow makes you work hard enough to achieve your goals.”


-Debbie H.