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The role of a health coach is to provide ongoing support and guidance in order to help you to achieve your goals and make sustainable changes that will improve your health and happiness.  A health coach will help you to understand and assimilate all the nutritional information that is flooding the internet, media and bookstores which leaves most people feeling confused not knowing which way to turn.  A health coach will listen to your concerns and devise a personalized program which will inspire you to lead a healthy and happy life.




  1. 60 minute initial consultation

  2. Health History Analysis

  3. 2x 50-minute sessions per month

  4. Email support between sessions

  5. Recipes for healthy dishes that are easy to prepare

  6. Informative handouts

Our mission at Simply Fit and Well is to give you the tools to create the life you want.  Our practice believes that other forms of nourishment beyond food are essential for your health and happiness.  These include spirituality, career, relationships and physical activity.  When these are all in balance and fulfilling, the fun, excitement and passion of your daily life will feed you.  We will help you to understand your cravings, feel great in your body, set and accomplish goals and increase your energy levels.