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Personal Training




Personal fitness trainers individualize exercise programs to fit clients’ goals.  In a one-on-one situation, trainers are able to enhance clients feeling of self-efficacy and motivate clients to improve their skills.  Furthermore trainers are there to show clients how to use proper form and prevent injury when training with weights, as well as to educate clients on how to be responsible for their own health and wellness.


At Simply Fit and Well, the first session with a personal trainer will always start with a fitness assessment.  This will include establishing a clients health status which will identify any risks for cardiovascular, musculoskeletal or other health problems as well as providing baseline information for comparison later as the client progresses and improves.  The client will then have their blood pressure and resting heart rate assessed and then follow with tests to assess cardiorespiratory endurance, flexibility and muscle endurance.  I will then talk to you about your fitness goals and what you would like to achieve by working with a trainer.


I believe that personal training sessions should always be fun and enjoyable.  Even though you will work hard to achieve your goals I do not believe in the “no pain, no gain” philosophy.  My holistic principles follow the Ayurvedic approach to exercise.  A moderate increase in physical activity makes you feel more vigorous, alert and clear-headed, as well as stronger physically.  You are getting mental and physical benefits in a natural balance.  But overdoing it destroys all these benefits as it makes you feel restless, fatigued and shaky.