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My Story

I have been a fitness enthusiast throughout my life.  As a child I competed in various racquet sports playing on my college teams.  Upon graduating I worked with professional athletes as an event organizer for TV sports shows before deciding to take a more hands-on approach to fitness.  I wanted to share my love and passion for exercise with people who struggled with their own fitness goals and show them that working out could not only be fun but also would improve every other area of their lives.  I began my career as an AFAA certified personal trainer in 2000 working at Every Woman’s Spirit in Ridgefield, CT. When the owner of EWS decided to open a Pilates Studio a couple of years later, I seized the opportunity to get certified in Pilates in New York and have been teaching Pilates on the reformer, mat or incorporating it into personal training sessions every since. Empowering clients to reach their full potential for a healthier lifestyle and knowing that exercise was only one part of their overall health and wellness led me to the Institute of Integrative Nutrition where I was trained in more than 100 dietary theories, practical lifestyle management techniques and innovative coaching methods with some of the world’s top health and wellness experts.  My teachers included Dr. Andrew Weil, Deepak Chopra and Dr. Walter Willett.


I have helped countless people improve their eating habits, feel better about their bodies, reach their ideal weight, enjoy exercise and find passion in life.  To me nothing is more gratifying than guiding a client through a complete physical and spiritual transformation.